Testing, Testing, Testing.
Dashly accepted into the 4th cohort of the FCA’s regulatory sandbox. Go Dashly!
the fourth cohort of the FCA’s regulatory sandbox — where some of the most
innovative companies get to test themselves in a live market environment. The
FCA Sandbox is part of Project Innovate, an initiative launched by the FCA in
2014 to provide new innovations with support to navigate the regulatory system,
and promote competition in the interest of consumers.
So far it seems the FCA love how we have set out to solve the problem of
consumer inertia within mortgages, by alerting borrowers whenever it pays to
Dashly does this by being ‘always-on’ — comparing every mortgage product from
every lender, each and every day.
Soon, you'll be able to test Dashly for yourself. And experience the mortgage
savings it delivers first hand.
Give your mortgage a home and join our Waitlist today.
Join Waitlist for early access
More information on the FCA’s regulatory sandbox can be found here.